Project scope consists of roadway paving, storm sewer repairs, new water main and parkway restoration. The project improvements include:

· All new asphalt pavement
· Storm sewer repairs
· Water main replacement and upsizing with new homeowner water services
· Driveway apron repairs and replacement
. Parkway sod restoration

Project Timeline
May 2013 – Start of Construction
September 2013 – End of Construction

Monday, August 12, 2013

Water Services to Start on Locust

Woodmere Lane:
The roadway was paved last week as part of the 2013 Village Resurfacing Project.

The final step in completing the project will be the installation of sod. Sod will not be installed until after the Labor Day weekend due to more favorable growing conditions.

Locust Lane:

Last week the Village received all the required test results and permits to allow the contractor to begin installing water services to the residents.

Next week, the contractor will begin installing water services to individual residents and complete the remaining underground utility work including connecting the new water main to the existing systems and abandoning the old water main. During the connections to the existing water main, there will likely be a scheduled water main shut off. Residents will be notified 24-hours in advance prior to any scheduled water main shut-down.

During water service installation and connection to the existing service, water to individual homes will be shut off for a short period of time. The contractor will knock on the door of any home that will not have water prior to turning it off. The contractor will attempt to give each resident approximately 1 hour notice prior to turning of the water to install the water service.

Thank you for your patience during the construction operations.